Are you searching for information about Kota to Jaipur Roadways bus Time Table of Morning, Evening, or Night, Route, Fare (Kiraya), Bus Stop, And Distance between Kota to Jaipur In 2024? If you Query the same, Then stay on this post.
After all, Why know the information about the bus time table online? The biggest thing is that we do not have to go and wait before knowing the online bus route, Time table, And How many buses are going to come or go. Apart from this, we can also book the fare, The bus route and how long it will Come and online ticket booking.
Kota To Jaipur Roadways Bus Time Table {Updated}
In this post, We have written about the All Kota To Jaipur Bus Time Table, Morning, Evening, and Night Buses’ stop and departure time table. Apart from this, We include Fares, Journey starting time from Kota to Jaipur, Bus Stop, and complete information on Online Ticket Booking.
Kota to Jaipur bus RSRTC timetable, Kota to Jaipur Bus Haryana Roadways bus timetable, Kota to Jaipur bus sleeper, Kota to Jaipur bus RSRTC ticket price, Kota to Jaipur Bus Route, Kota to Jaipur bus Tomorrow & Today, Kota to Jaipur bus contact number, Kota to Jaipur roadways bus time table, Kota to Jaipur Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night bus time table.
Kota To Jaipur | All Roadways Bus Time Table | RSRTC
BUS ROUTE | Dep. Time | Service |
KOTA to ALWAR via TONK (Morning) | 05:40 AM | Express |
KOTA to JHUNJHUNU via SIKAR (Morning) | 06:40 AM | SEMI Deluxe |
KOTA to SARDARSHAR via JAIPUR (Morning) | 07:59 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via BUNDI (Morning) | 08:20 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via KAISHORAIPATAN (Morning) | 08:30 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via BUNDI (Morning) | 09:19 AM | Express |
BARAN to ALWAR via JAIPUR (Morning) | 09:45 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK (Morning) | 10:00 AM | Express |
JHALAWAR to JAIPUR via KESARAY PATAN (Morning) | 10:20 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via KAISHORAIPATAN (Morning) | 10:50 AM | Express |
BARAN to JAIPUR via DEOLI (Morning) | 11:00 AM | Express |
EKHLERA to JAIPUR via SANGOD (Morning) | 11:30 AM | SEMI DELUXE |
KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK (Afternoon) | 12:45 PM | SEMI DELUXE |
KOTA to ANOOPGARH via BIKANER (Afternoon) | 02:00 PM | Express |
KOTA to CHANDIGARH via DELHI (Afternoon) | 02:18 PM | Express |
JHALAWAR to JAIPUR via BUNDI (Afternoon) | 03:15 PM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK (Night) | 03:00 AM | Express |
KOTA to ALWAR via SHAHPURA (Night) | 04:00 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via BUNDI (Morning) | 05:00 AM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK (Afternoon) | 04:00 PM | SEMI DELUXE |
BARAN to JAIPUR via DEOLI (Afternoon) | 04:15 PM | SEMI DELUXE |
KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK (Evening) | 05:00 PM | Express |
INDORE to JAIPUR via KOTA (Evening) | 06:45 PM | Express |
BARAN to JAIPUR via DEOLI (Night) | 09:00 PM | SEMI DELUXE |
BHOPAL to JAIPUR via KOTA (Night) | 10:00 PM | Express |
KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK (Non Stop) (Night) | 04:00 PM | SEMI DELUXE |
The total number of Roadways buses that leave Kota for Jaipur is 13 in the morning, 6 in the afternoon, 2 in the evening, And 6 at night. The total number of buses that go from Kota to Jaipur is 27. The timetable, route, And bus category information of all roadways buses going from Kota to Jaipur has mentioned in the table.
Kota To Jaipur Roadways Bus Route, Boarding, Alighting, Bus full Address, Distance (All bus)
Kota To Jaipur RSRTC Non Stop Roadways Bus
There is only one RSRTC Rajasthan Roadways Non stop bus from Kota to Jaipur, which goes from Kota to Jaipur via Tonk. The departure time from Kota to Jaipur non-stop bus from Kota is 16:00. The distance between Kota to Jaipur is 255 KM, And It takes approximately 3 hours to travel by bus.

Jaipur To Kota Roadways Bus Time Table
Distance Between from Kota To Jaipur
This non-stop roadways bus will depart from Nayapura bus stand Kota to Station road Sindhi camp In Jaipur. On this bus, If you are traveling from Kota to Jaipur by bus fare will apply to Rs.250 for adults and Rs.137 for children. It is a semi-deluxe bus. If the passenger takes an offline Ticket, The conductor can take an additional fare amount. To Save the amount, You can book an online ticket for travel from Kota to Jaipur on the Non-stop roadway bus and get a Discount.
Kota To Jaipur | Non-stop Roadways Bus Time Table with Full Details | RSRTC
QNA | Ans |
Route | KOTA to JAIPUR via TONK |
Service | SEMI Deluxe |
KM | 255 |
Depart Time | 16:00 (4:00 PM) |
Arrive Time | --- |
Adult Fare | 250 INR |
Child Fare | 125 INR |
Pickup Bus Stand | Nayapura Bus Stand,Kota |
Destination End Bus Stop | Station Road, Sindhi Camp |
Booking | |
The nonstop Rajasthan roadways bus will depart from Kota via Tonk and stop at the Sindhi camp bus stand in Jaipur.