Planning to take Mahendragarh to Jaipur Bus? What do you want to find “Jaipur to Mahendragarh Bus timetable” to travel to Jaipur by Roadways Bus? If answer “yes, ” then you are in the right place. In this post, we provide Mahendragarh to the Jaipur Bus Timetable, Distance, Bus ticket price, etc.
From | Mahendragarh |
Dropping Point | Jaipur |
Distance | 186 KM |
Ticket Price/Fare | ₹230 |
Bus Type | HR Roadways, RSRTC, PRTC |
Inquiry Number | PRTC: 0167-2233074, 0167-2234018 (Sangrur) Haryana Roadways: 01285-222100 (Mahendragarh) RSRTC: 0141-2207914 (Jaipur, Plt. no.4) |
There are three main bus operators that run between the two cities Mahendragarh to Jaipur.
Bus Type | Bus No. |
Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC) | 01 |
Haryana Roadways | 09 |
Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC). | 01 |
Total No. of Bus | 11 |
The first bus leaves the Mahendragarh bus stand at 5:00 in the morning and The last bus PRTC departs at 04:45 at night.
The total distance between Mahendragarh and Jaipur is 186 KM. Depending on traffic, the bus takes around 4-5 hours and sometimes 6 hours to complete the journey from Mahendragarh to Jaipur in Rajasthan. Roadways bus go on Mahendragarh to Jaipur Route via Narnaul, Kotputli.
The Rajasthan Roadways (RSRTC) takes 195 INR Per Person to Jaipur Sindhi Camp Main Bus Station from Mahendragarh. The Haryana Roadways bus ticket price is 230 INR and 210 INR for the PRTC bus.
All buses RSRTC, PRTC, and HR Roadways go to the Sindhi camp bus main station in Jaipur from the Mahendragarh bus station. Sindhi Camp is the main bus station in Jaipur City.
Mahendragarh to Jaipur Bus TimeTable
From Mahendragarh to Jaipur Bus timetable Haryana Roadways & RSRTC are mentioned below.
Note: Before Travelling by Haryana Roadways or Rajasthan Roadways bus, call to Bus Stand or Station Inquiry number, and confirm with them.
Mahendragarh to Jaipur bus timetable Haryana roadways,
In this article, we have provided Mahendragarh to Jaipur bus timetables, Bus Ticket prices, distance, and related information. We have recently updated and carefully checked all Mahendragarh to Jaipur roadways buses.
How much is the bus ticket from Mahendragarh to Jaipur?
Mahendragarh to Jaipur Bus ticket price is 230 INR for Haryana Roadways.
What is the last bus time to Jaipur from Mahendragarh?
The Last bus from Mahendragarh to Jaipur at 04:45 PM by Pesus Road Transport Corporation (PRTC)
What is the ticket price for Rajasthan Roadways from Mahendragarh to Jaipur?
The Rajasthan Roadways Bus ticket price is 195 INR Per person from Mahendragarh to Jaipur Sindhi Camp Bus Station.
What is the ticket price of Haryana Roadways from Mahendragarh to Jaipur?
The Haryana Roadways bus ticket price from Mahendragarh to Jaipur is 230 INR Single Person.
What is the ticket price for Pepsu Roadways from Mahendragarh to Jaipur?
PRTC Roadways charged 210 INR per person for travelling from Mahendragarh to Jaipur.
What is the total distance between Mahendragarh and Jaipur?
The Total Distance between Mahendragarh and Jaipur is 186 KM by road. If we go to Jaipur through Narnaul, Kotputli’s distance will be approx 186.5 KM.
What is the Sangrur Bus Station PRTC Inquiry Number?
Sangrur Bus Station PRTC Inquiry Number: 0167-2233074, 0167-2234018
What is the Mahendragarh Bus Station Inquiry Number?
Mahendragarh Bus Station Inquiry Number (Haryana Roadways): 01285-222100
- Jaipur to Mahendragarh Bus Timetable (Recently Updated)
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