Are you searching for Kota to Jaipur roadways bus time table, bus ticket price, Kota bus stand or Jaipur bus stop address? If you are from Kota, Then you can Enquiry about the time table of Kota to Jaipur Rajasthan Roadways Bus or Haryana Roadways Bus by visiting Kota Roadways Bus Stand. Today everyone does not have time if people from other places want to know the bus timetable going from Kota to Jaipur for today, Tomorrow, Luxury or Custom day. In such a situation it isn’t possible to know the time by going to the bus stand.
Starting Point (Kota) | Nayapura Bus Stand, Kota, 324001, Rajasthan |
Dropping Point (Jaipur) | Station Road, Sindhi Camp Bus Stand, Jaipur, 302016, Raj. |
Distance Between Kota To Jaipur | 255 Kilometer |
Kota To Jaipur Roadways Bus Time Table
In this post, We are giving information about Kota to Jaipur roadways bus timetable, Kota to Jaipur roadways bus fare, Bus ticket price, Starting and Stop point, Bus service, Morning, Evening, and Night bus timetable. All Kota to Jaipur Roadways Bus Info is 100% correct & updated.
Type | Quantity | Bus Type |
Morning Bus | 15 | RSRTC |
Night Bus | 9 | RSRTC |
Rare Bus (Fast) | 3 | Haryana Roadways |
Kota To Jaipur Bus RSRTC Time table | morning+Evening
RSRTC operates 15 buses in the morning and evening and 9 buses at Luxury the night from Kota to Jaipur. The fare (Ticket Price) of Kota to Jaipur buses operated by RSRTC can be between Rs 230 to Rs 404. Express, SEMI Deluxe, and Super Luxury buses are going from Kota to Jaipur. This bus starts from Nayapura Bus Stand in Kota and will stop at Sindhi Camp Bus Stand in Jaipur.
KOTA | JAIPUR | Start From | Bus Route | Service | Type | Time | Ticket Price |
05:30 AM | 10:00 AM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur | Super Luxary | Rajasthan Roadways | 4.5 Hours | INR 404/- |
05:40 AM | 12:20 PM | Kota | Kota to Alwar Via Tonk | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.8 Hours | INR 230/- |
06:40 AM | 12:20 PM | Kota | Kota to Jhunjhunu via Sikar | Semi Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | 5.8 Hours | INR 250/- |
07:59 AM | 02:15 PM | Kota | Kota to Sardarsahar via Jaipur | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 5.4 Hours | INR 230/- |
08:20 AM | 01:50 PM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur via Bundi | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.7 Hours | INR 230/- |
08:30 AM | 03:50 PM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur via Kaishoraipatan | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 4.8 Hours | INR 234/- |
09:19 AM | 02:49 PM | Baran | Kota to Jaipur Via Bundi | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.7 Hours | INR 230/- |
09:30 AM | 03:30 PM | Baran | Baran to Alwar Via Jaipur | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6 Hours | INR 230/- |
09:50 AM | 05:30 PM | Jhalawar | Jhalawar to Jaipur via Kaishoraipatan | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 7.8 Hours | INR 234/- |
10:40 AM | 05:10 PM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur via Kaishoraipatan | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.7 Hours | INR 234/- |
11:00 AM | 05:00 PM | Ekhlera | Ekhlera to Jaipur via Sangod | SEMI Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | 6 Hours | INR 250/- |
12:40 AM | 06:45 PM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur via Tonk | SEMI Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.05 Hours | INR 250/- |
01:50 PM | 08:30 PM | Kota | Kota to Anoopgarh via Bikaner | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.20 Hours | INR 230/- |
01:10 PM | 09:56 PM | Kota | Kota To Chandigarh Via Delhi | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 7 Hours | INR 230/- |
02:45 PM | 08:45 PM | Kota | Jhalawar to Jaipur via Bundi | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 4.5 Hours | INR 230/- |
इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ने और टाइम टेबल को देखने के बाद क्या समझने में दिक्कत हो रही है हमें Comment करके बताए हम इसमें सुधार करेंगे। इसके अलावा जो भी इसमें Important बात रह गई है जरूर बताए।
Kota To Jaipur RSRTC Night Bus Time table
KOTA | JAIPUR | Start From | Bus Route | Service | Type | Time | Ticket Price |
03:50 AM | 10:00 AM | Kota | Kota to Alwar via Shahpura | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.5 Hours | INR 230/- |
04:50 AM | 10:30 AM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur via Bundi | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 5.8 Hours | INR 230/- |
- | - | Kota | Kota to Jaipur via Tonk | Semi Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | - | INR 250/- |
04:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Baran | Baran to Jaipur Via Deoli | SEMI Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | 6 Hours | INR 250/- |
04:40 PM | 11:00 PM | Kota | Kota to Jaipur Via Tonk | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 6.6 Hours | INR 230/- |
08:10 PM | 12:30 PM | Indore | Indore to Jaipur Via Kota | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 4.20 Hours | INR 230/- |
09:00 PM | 02:00 AM | Baran | Baran to Jaipur via Deoli | SEMI Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | 5 Hours | INR 250/- |
09:50 PM | 03:30 AM | Bhopal | Bhopal to Jaipur via Kota | Express | Rajasthan Roadways | 5.20 Hours | INR 230/- |
11:00 PM | 08:00 AM | Jhalawar | Manohar thana to alwar via jhalawar | Sleeper SEMI Deluxe | Rajasthan Roadways | 9 Hours | INR 250/- |
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Kota To Jaipur Bus Haryana Roadways Time Table
If you are looking for Haryana Roadways buses from Kota to Jaipur, then it is as follows –
9 buses run Haryana roadways buses from Kota to Rohtak via Jaipur. The first bus of Haryana Roadways runs daily from Kota to Gohana on Kota, Tonk, Jaipur, Rewari, and Jhajjar routes. Two buses from Kota to Rohtak pass through Kota, Tonk, Jaipur, Rewari, and Jhajjar.
KOTA | Route | Bus Type | Via |
05:00 AM | Kota To Rohatak | Haryana Roadways | Jaipur, Rewari, Jhajjar |
03:50 PM | Kota To Hisar | Haryana Roadways | Jaipur, Narnaul |
08:10 AM | Kota To Charkhi Dadri | Haryana Roadways | Jaipur, Kothputli narnaul |
03:40 AM | Kota To Gohana | Haryana Roadways | Jaipur, Rewari, Jhajjar |
04:00 AM | Kota To Rohtak | Haryana Roadways | Jaipur, Rewari, Jhajjar |
05:15 AM | Kota To Rohtak | Haryana Roadways | Jaipur, Rewari, Jhajjar |
06:00 AM | Kota To Mahendergarh | Haryana Roadways | Bundi, Deoli (Dewali), Tonk, Newai, Jaipur, Shahpura, Kothputli |
03:40 AM | Kota To Panipat | Haryana Roadways | Tonk, Jaipur, Rewari, Jhajjar, Rohatak |
06:20 AM | Kota To Rewari | Haryana Roadways | Tonk, Jaipur, Kothputli, Rewari |
Kota To Jaipur bUS eNQUIRY Number
KOTA Roadways Bus Enquiry number | 0744-2451020 |
Haryana Roadways Bus Enquiry Number | Call Now |
Note:- वैसे हमारे द्वारा प्रदान की गई जानकारी को बहुत ही सावधानीपूर्वक किसी वयक्ति विशेष द्वारा लिखा गया है। यह कोटा से जयपुर रोडवेज बस टाइम टेबल जैसे ही change होता है हम यहाँ बदलाव कर देते है। बस के टाइम से लगभग 15 से 20 मिनट पूर्व पहुंचे।
In this article, we have given information about Kota to Jaipur roadways bus timetable. We have included Kota to Jaipur roadways bus fare (ticket price), distance, Kota bus starting point, and Jaipur bus stop. In this post, We mentioned Rajasthan Transport Corporation, Haryana Roadways buses ply from Kota to Jaipur in Rajasthan, and RSRTC Bus, and Haryana Roadways Bus Time Table.