Kota (Rajasthan) To Neemuch (Madhya Pradesh) Bus Timetable

kota to neemuch bus

Kota to Neemuch Bus Timetable | Do you want to go to the Neemuch from Kota by Bus? If you are in Kota City in Rajasthan, find a bus from Kota to Neemuch Madhya Pradesh. In this post, we will provide the latest buses for the Neemuch Madhya Pradesh.

Kota To Neemuch Bus

First, we will discuss Kota and Neemuch. Kota is a major city of Rajasthan State in India and is approximately 240 km from Rajasthan Capital Jaipur. It is the third largest city in Rajasthan, after Jaipur and Jodhpur. RSRTC operates all buses in Kota from Nayapura bus station.

Distance from Kota to Neemuch292 KM
Kota Pickup Point (Bus)Ghoda Choraha, Kota
Bus Inquiry Contact Number Kota94240 66215
Kota to Neemuch Bus Ticket Booking OnlineBook Now

Neemuch is a city in the Neemuch district of Madhya Pradesh. The Distance from Kota to Neemuch is 292 KM on the Road.

Two Private non-AC buses go to Neemuch from Ghoda Choraha, Kota. Both Buses go to Neemuch from the Kota Timetable Given below.

Dep TimeBus NameBus TypeTicket PricePickup PointDrop Point
07:50 AMSarkar Upkar TravelsNon-AC Seater (2+3)275/300 INRGhoda Choraha, KotaSarkar upkar travels, fawara chowk
04:10 PMSarkar Upkar TravelsNon-AC Seater (2+3)275/300 INRGhoda Choraha, KotaSarkar upkar travels, fawara chowk

Kota To Neemuch Roadways Bus

Do you want to travel by Rajasthan Roadways Bus (RSRTC), Searching Kota to Neemuch Roadways bus? No one Roadways bus goes to Neemuch So please take a private bus. For online bus ticket booking or reservation, click on the booking-now button.

Kota To Neemuch Distance


Guys, We have provided the Kota to Neemuch bus Timetable, Pickup Point in Kota, Ticket Price, Online Ticket Booking, Distance and other related information.

1.Kota To Jaipur Bus Timetable Haryana Roadways
2.Kota To Jaipur RSRTC Roadways Bus Timetable
3.Kota To Tonk Roadways Bus Timetable

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